Improve your Instagram Reel Performance with Stop Motion

See how reel performance for this Beautycounter rep's business skyrocketed with Life Lapse!

If you’ve been a follower of Life Lapse for a little while, you’ve probably noticed how much we love seeing the different ways our app is used by so many creatives. From professional stop motion artists to hobbyists and everyone in between, it brings us immense pleasure to see the creative ways our app, Life Lapse, is used! Regardless of why and how people use our app, we love seeing it all. We are constantly amazed at our users’ abilities when it comes to stop motion video creation. It all reiterates the fact that there is nothing quite like the magic of stop motion. You’re truly only limited by your imagination.

In case you are new to stop motion, it is a series of photos strung together to form a video with movements made to the scene between each photo capture. It is a unique, scroll stopping form of video content. If you are present on social media these days, you’d be aware that short form video is becoming more dominant and a driving force in grabbing people’s attention and growing your following.

We may be biased when it comes to our app, Life Lapse, and using it to create video content to widen your reach on social media so we thought we would introduce you to a Life Lapse user who is experiencing success doing just that. Caitlin Kavander @caitlinkavander is a Canadian based, avid user of our app. She uses it to create stop motion videos that shine a spotlight on her Beautycounter business as well as providing snapshots of homelife.

Recently, we were lucky enough to do a Q and A with Caitlin. Grab a cuppa and, in her own words, meet Caitlin. Have a read about how she is enjoying social media success by using our app, Life Lapse, to create stop motion videos.

Q: Introduce yourself - who you are and where you are based.

A: Caitlin Kavander, mom of 4, 13 and under. In hot pursuit of living our best life, we moved our family to Collingwood, Ontario in December 2020 and have never looked back. 
Keepin' it real as a mama to the #fordfour, leading an active lifestyle in our gorgeous small town surrounded by lakes, hills and opportunities for adventure. A full time employee in the not for profit fundraising and event management space turned entrepreneur after discovering direct sales and Beautycounter in 2016. Beautycounter is a beauty brand in Canada and the United States dedicated to radical transparency while holding itself to unparalleled standards of safety and performance. Jumped into social selling with two feet once I discovered a brand and products I truly believed in. Also found a career opportunity that offered a work flexibility I had yet to experience. Passionate about sharing clean beauty and simple swaps anyone can make to live a more sustainable and low tox life in person and online.

Q: How do you use social media to grow your business?

A: Since starting with Beautycounter in 2016 social media has been the steepest learning curve for me and an area of my job that has forced me to step out of my comfort zone the most. It's hard to put yourself out there, am I right?! I primarily use Instagram and Facebook to connect with my audience and I am far from an expert at it BUT I keep showing up. I aim to be consistent, relatable and as real as possible. Me sharing snapshots of my organized chaotic life without letting my phone take over. I went from being someone who literally only ever posted pictures of my kids and using the grid exclusively to using all aspects of the Instagram platform daily to expand my network, share information and hopefully provide solutions to common problems or challenges we all face - whether that's sharing products I love or household routines that keep our busy life as a family of six on the rails.

Q: How long have you been creating stop motion videos?

A: Approximately 1 year. Actually, that's not true, I think I attempted to create a video in 2019 without the use of an app and it was beyond time consuming and honestly - not that good. LOL.

Q: What impact have you noticed using stop motion videos has had on your social media and its growth?

A: As someone who struggled to embrace the lip sync style of Reels (they are so NOT me), Life Lapse gave me the tools to show up creatively in a way that felt doable and more aligned with my personality. I love that my stop motion reels standout as something different and have had a ton of great feedback on them. The app (& its tutorials) make it so easy to bring an idea to life and I can honestly say I have so much fun with it. I get DMs all the time from people saying - that must have taken HOURS! I laugh because once you get the hang of it they literally take me 20 minutes or less using the app. Life Lapse makes it so easy.

Q: What is one piece of advice you’d like to share regarding creating stop motion videos?

A: Just go for it! I find that my audience is fascinated by the stop motion videos I have created - literally everything from how I did it to when I am making my next one. They've served as excellent conversation starters that drive engagement and conversations in my DMs.
The best ideas are born from trial and error. Creative stop motion videos can be such a fun way to stand out on social, cut through the noise and differentiate yourself from other accounts.

Q: What is your favourite Life Lapse app feature?

A: Ooooo, that's a hard one. If I had to choose, I'd have to say the Ghosted Image Overlay and the Timeline Editor.....ALLLLLSO the Adjust Speed.

With Caitlin’s permission, let’s take a peek behind the curtains on those all important Instagram metrics with a few of her stop motion videos created using the Life Lapse App.

Bring your ideas to life with Life Lapse


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