We are giving away 100 remotes to Life Lapse Pro users!

To celebrate the launch of our new Pro feature in Life Lapse, the ability to connect & shoot with a bluetooth remote to our stop motion app, we are giving away 100 bluetooth remotes to Life Lapse Pro users! How does it work? Sign-up below, confirm your email address + we will send you instructions on how to receive your free remote (just pay for shipping!).

Stop Motion Remote-DSC09891.jpg
Stop Motion App.gif


Can I get the remote on a 7-day Free Trial?

In order to be eligible for the remote, you have to be a paying user.

Is it for iOS and Android?


How much is shipping?

Shipping will cost between $3-$10 CAD, depending on where you live. We ship to 180 countries.

How do you know if I’m a Life Lapse Pro user?

We request an email confirmation of your subscription receipt. If the name on the order doesn’t match your receipt, you will not receive a remote.

If I don’t have Pro version of the app, can I still connect the bluetooth remote?

The Bluetooth remote will only connect if you have an active Life Lapse Pro subscription.

Can I have more then one remote for free?

There is a limit of 1 per paying user.